February 13

Meditation, Mediation and Meatballs



It’s been a wild week let me tell you…

… Out of the blue, my brain decided it was going to replace the word “Meditation” with “Mediation” in just about every instance I used it.

I can’t explain it, it just happened.

Hypnotherapists and NLP people are notoriously bad spellers, so I guess it’s a double whammy for me because I happen to be both.

At any rate, we’ve had some interesting questions come in this week and one that I would have never predicted.

I can hardly believe that the number one question I got this week is about Meatballs. I would have never guessed it in a million years.

Question  #1:  Can I have your Meatball Recipe?

Before I answer, I feel I should give a little context on this one because if you did not read the email “Defeated by a Meatball” you might wonder “why the heck are people asking me for a  meatball recipe”?

The email in question was a story about how one tiny distinction can make a world of difference in your life. I illustrated the point by sharing how I lost my Italian Cooking Crown (which I have held for years)  to my good friend and neigboor.

So, here’s my answer:

I can’t publish the recipe. I feel like I’d be betraying a family tradition and my good friend who promised the head cook at a swanky Italian Restaurant that he would never share it.

But I will give you the basics of it.

The key is to become friends with your butcher and use super good quality meats.

Use equal portions of pork and beef. Avoid the extra lean stuff. Go with lean or medium based on the fat content.  Add your salt, pepper breadcrumbs, egg, and spices.

The other important key is that you want to make them slightly bigger than a baseball.

Cook your marinara sauce until it is about 1/4 done. Cook your sauce from scratch using only fresh ingredients. If anything you use comes out of a can or has been dehydrated or dried, you’ve already pooched it.

Once the sauce is about 1/4 cooked, put your raw meatballs in and cook that sauce on a light simmer for hours.

The sauce will flavor the meatballs and the meatballs will flavor the sauce.

Question # 2: Do you sell any of your bonuses for Meditation in Minutes separately?

(a lot of people asked specifically about “All Language is Hypnosis” and “Chakra Manifestation”)

Answer:  I don’t have official sales pages for a lot of them. The bonuses I offer for the Meditation in Minutes program are premium programs that I created for my Lifetime “All Access” Account members and for my private coaching clients.

After the final 80 spots are filled for my Lifetime “All Access” Master Account has been taken, I’m going to start building official sales pages for each of the bonuses and make them available to the public.

Each one will be between $97 and $147.

The only other way you can get them right now is to snatch up one of the last Lifetime “All Access” accounts.

These special accounts give you total and complete access to every product, program, course, and membership in my database and everything new I release (until I retire) for one reasonable, heavily discounted price.

Question # 3:  Do you have any dream-programming audios?

Answer. Yes! We’ve got a bunch in the member’s area for the Lifetime “All-Access” Master Account members. We did sell a bunch of them in a package about 3 years ago for a hundred bucks or so but once the promotion was done, we took them off the public market.

We’re going to re-launch them after the Lifetime Master Account promotion is over.

If you are interested in snatching one of these up before their gone forever, the direct link to the shopping cart is below.


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Thanks for reading,
Jeffrey Gignac


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